中文姓名: 胡紀如  
Name: Hwu, Jih-Ru Reuben
E-Mail: jrhwu@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Phone No.: 03-5715131 #33412
FAX No.: 03-5711082
Current address: Chemistry Building R602
Research Areas: Bionano Sciences & Technology, Gene Therapy, Organic Synthesis and Reactions, Silicon Chemistry, Polymer Science


Research Areas:  Bionano Sciences & Technology, Gene Therapy, Organic Synthesis and Reactions,
Silicon Chemistry, Polymer Science

Research Interests                                                    
1.Synthesis of novel nano-materials;
2.Studies on affinity of DNA-cleaving agents and nano-polymers;
3.Development of novel DNA- and RNA-cleaving agents;
4.Exploration of new bioorganic reaction mechanisms.
5.Development of new drugs for anti-cancer, anti-virus,
and anti-bacteria;
6.Total Synthesis of biologically active compounds and
natural products;
7.Development of new synthetic methods and strategies;
8.Development of organosilicon reagents and investigation on properties of organosilicon functional groups;
9.Invention of new reactions involving silicon and studies of their mechanisms;
10.Establishment of the concept and utilization of "counterattack reagents."
