中文姓名: 蔡易州 yictsai
Name: Yi-Chou Tsai
E-Mail: yictsai@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Phone No.: +886-3-5715131#33341
FAX No.: +886-3-5711082
Current address: Chemistry Building R508
Research Areas: 1.Inorganic & Organic Synthe-

Our research is currently focused on the assembly of reactive polynuclear metal complexes. We have successfully prepared many reactive dinuclear complexes featuring metal-metal multiple bonding. We aim to use the synthesized metal complexes to effect novel chemical transformations, such as activation of N2, CO2, CO, NO, organic catalysis, and modeling metalloenzymes in biological systems. Physical property study of polynuclear metal complexes is also one of our current interests. Students in our group focus in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry, and characterize new organic and organometallic compounds using multiple techniques such as multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, EPR, magnetism, X-ray crystallography, IR, Raman, UV-vis, and Cyclic Voltammetry. In certain cases, we have explored our systems with the aid of high level DFT methods for the understanding of structures, bonding, and reactions.