Established in 2018, NTHU AstroRead is a study group/book club for NTHU astronomy club members
to learn, share, and discuss advanced astrophysics topics!

Active Members

People who presented more than 3 times and constantly attending recent activities.

  • Yi-Yang Li

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Phys

  • Chung-Chi Hsiao

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Phys

  • Yo-yo Chue

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Phys

  • Chuang, Ching-Yu

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Management & Technology.

  • Liu, Hong-Wen

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Phys.

  • Li, Wei-Wen

    Undergraduate student

Recent News

2024.07 - Now

Date Topic Note
2025.03 Congratulation to Tzu-Ning Yen for being admitted to the Student Summer Research Fellowship Program at the University of Chicago. Working with Prof. Hsiao-Wen Chen
2025.02 Congratulation to Sy-Yun Pu for publishing her paper in ApJ. Title: Progenitor Diversity in the Accreted Stellar Halos of Milky Way-like Galaxies
2025.01 Congratulation to Shang-Jing Lin for winning the honorable mention in TPS poster competition. Title: CO Polarization from GK Effect: Mapping Magnetic Field in Orion KL
2024.12 Congratulations to Shang-Jing Lin for receiving the 2024 TPS Undergraduates Student Thesis Award (Special Excellence). Title: Multiple Misaligned Outflows and Warped Accretion Flows in the Proto-multiple System Per-emb-8 and 55
2024.12 Congratulations to Chen-Yu Chuang for receiving the 2024 TPS Postgraduates Student Thesis Award (Excellence). Title: Applications of Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations on Studying the Dark Matter Halo-Galaxy Connection
2024.10 Congratulation to Yen-Hsing Lin for publishing his paper in ApJ. Title: Active Galactic Nucleus Jet-inflated Bubbles as Possible Origin of Odd Radio Circles
2024.09 Congratulation to Shang-Jing Lin for publishing his paper in AJ. Title: Multiple Misaligned Outflows and Warped Accretion Flows in the Proto-multiple System Per-emb-8 and 55

In principle, this section only includes achievements that have been made by current students at NTHU. For more ancient news, please go to the News Archive.

7th AstroRead (2024.09 - 2025.06)

Host: Yo-Yo Chue、Hong-Wen Liu

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2024.09.24 Introduction Hong-Wen Liu Opening party & Introduction to Astroread
2024.10.01 Star formation Wei-Wen Li Observation & Simple Dynamics
2024.10.08 ISM & Molecular Cloud Mu-Chen Hsieh
2024.11.05 Observation I Sy-Yun Pu Spectrography Redshift & Distance ladder
2024.11.12 Observation II Yi-Lun Hsu Basics of observational astronomy
2024.11.19 Exoplanet Chung-Chi Hsiao, Ching-Yu Chuang
2024.11.26 Stellar Evolution Yo-Yo Chue Basic mechanisms of a star in main sequence
2024.12.03 Multi-messenger Hong-Wen Liu Astronomical transient & Gravitational wave
2024.12.10 Supernova Yi-Fang Lee
2024.12.17 Star Cluster & Stellar Dynamics Si-Hong Hsu
2025.03.04 Meteorites Wei-Wen Li
2025.3.11 Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Yo-Yo Chue
2025.3.18 Radiative Transfer Yi-Yang Li
2025.3.25 Galaxy Formation and Evolution Chang Chiung-Yin
2025.4.1 Galaxy Cluster & Intracluster Zheng-Xian Hsu
2025.4.8 Large Scale Structure 快找人!
2025.4.22 Introduction to Cosmology 快找人!
2025.4.29 Compact Object 快找人!
2025.05.06 Black Holes(SMBH) 快找人!
2025.05.13 Gravitational Waves Yu-Tai Pan & Ching-Yu Chuang
2025.05.20 Active Galactic Nucleus Yi-Yang Li
啊你要什麼時間講 Dark Matter Hong-Wen Liu

6th AstroRead (2023.09 - 2024.06)

Host: Ching-Yu Chuang、Wei-Wen Li

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2023.10.03 Introduction Yen-Hsing Lin General introduction to astronomy and astrophysics
2023.10.17 Observation Wei-Wen Li Basics of observational astronomy
2023.10.24 Interstellar Medium Yen-Hsing Lin Characteristic of different genres of ISM
2023.11.07 Star Formation Mu-Chen Hsieh Pre-main sequence stellar evolution
2023.11.14 Stellar Evolution Sy-Yun Pu Basic mechanisms of a star in main sequence
2023.11.21 Exoplanet Ching-Yu Chuang
2023.11.28 Supernova Yi-Fang Li
2023.12.05 Astronomical Transient Wei-Wen Li Brief discussion on time-domain astronomy
2023.12.12 Star Cluster Yong-Sheng Yap
2023.12.26 Galaxy Zi-Hua Ho
2024.03.12 Simulation Wei-Wen Li Introduction to general simulation method eg. N-body, HD
2024.03.19 Galaxy-1 Chin-Yu Chuang Galaxy Morphology
2024.03.26 Galaxy-2 Chiung-Yin Chang Galaxy Evolution and Feedback
2024.04.09 Introduction to Cosmology Mu-Chen Hsieh
2024.04.16 Large Scale Structure Sy-Yun Pu
2024.04.30 CMB and Inflation TBD
2024.05.07 Dark Matter Hong-Wen Liu
2024.05.14 SR & GR Chung-Chi Hsiao
2024.05.21 Redshift and Radiative Transfer Yu-Shan Cho

2024 Post-semester student seminar (2024.01)

Host: Yen-Hsing Lin

Date Speaker Topic
2024.01.09 Zheng-Xian Hsu Diffuse radio emission from galaxy clusters
Sy-Yun Pu Different ways to classify stars as an astronomer
2024.01.16 Shang-Jing Lin SED in protoplanetary disks
Ming-Hsueh Hsieh Magnetic structure in accretion disks
2024.01.23 Sy-Yun Pu Excited star formation during galaxy merging events
Wei-Wen Li Cluster on Cluster

2023 Summer Journal Club (2023.07 - 2023.09)

Host: Yen-Hsing Lin

Date Paper 1 Speaker 1 Paper 2 Speaker 2
2023.06.27 Opening Yen-Hsing Lin Koribalski et al. (2023) Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.07.04 Xu et. al. (2023) Yap Yong Sheng Bose & Deason (2023) Sy-Yun Pu
2023.07.11 Schive et al. (2018) Zheng-Xian Hsu Maiolino et al. (2023) Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.07.18 Kraft et al. (2022) Yen-Hsing Lin Smith et al. (2023) Hsin-Pei Chen
2023.07.25 Shen & Lu et al. (2023) Chiung-Yin Chang Lajoie et al. (2023) Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.08.01 Sukbae Lee (2023) SiNan Long Rodríguez Montero et al. (2023) Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.08.09 Domingo et al. (2021) Chen-Yu Chuang Lee et al. (2023) Shang-Jing Lin
2023.08.15 Rest Rest
2023.08.22 Spilker et al. (2023) Yen-Hsing Lin Joseph et al. (2022) Yen-Hsing Lin
Summer student program final presentation rehearsals
Comparing AGN Wind and Jet Feedback in Disk Galaxies Chiung-Yin Chang (NCTS-TCA) Long-term X-ray variability of a peculiar black hole X-ray recurrent transient Wei-Wen Li (TAOvA)
Determine the quenching mode of galaxies by non-parametric parameters Zi-Hua Ho (ASIAA) Magnetic fields in star-forming region Chen-Chen (TAOvA)
2023.09.05 Rest Rest Rest Rest
2023.09.12 Impact of magnetic fields on core collapse supernova and stellar mass black hole formation Yi-Fang Li ??? Ming-Hsueh Hsieh
2023.09.19 Formation and evolution of protostellar disk in proto-multiple systems Shang-Jing Lin Progenitor diversity in Milky Way-like stellar halos Sy-Yun Pu

5th AstroRead (2022.09 - 2023.06)

Host: Sy-Yun Pu、Mu-Chen Hsieh、Wei-Wen Li

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2022.10.04 Observation I Yen-Hsing Lin Basics of observational astronomy, photometry
2022.10.11 Observation II Yap Yong Sheng Spectroscopy
2022.10.18 Radiative transfer Zi-Hua Ho
2022.10.25 Interstellar medium Chiung-Yin Chang
2022.11.01 Star formation Jo-Shui Kao
2022.11.15 Stellar evolution Li Wei-Wen
2022.11.22 Solar System 羅芝瓴
2022.11.23 Student Seminar: Distant Galaxies with JWST Hsiao, Tiger (JHU PhD student)
2022.11.29 Orbital mechanics Yen-Hsing Lin
2022.12.06 Black holes Zi-Hua Ho
2022.12.13 Dark matter Yap Yong Sheng Axion and WIMPs
2022.12.15 Star clusters Mu-Chen Hsieh
2022.12.20 Galaxy formation (from star to galaxy) Sy-Yun Pu
2022.12.20 Student Seminar: Chemical Enrichment in Galaxy Clusters Siew Hoong Wah 蕭宏鏵 (SJTU Master Student) X-ray observation of heavy elements (O, N, Fe, etc) in galaxy clusters.
2023.03.07 Special Relativity & General Relativity Zi-Hua Ho
2023.03.14 Thermal History Yong-Sheng Yap
2023.03.21 Cosmic Microwave Background I Sy-Yun Pu
2023.03.28 Structure Formation Sy-Yun Pu
2023.04.11 Cosmic Microwave Background II Yong-Sheng Yap
2023.04.18 Fast Radio Burst 林雅苓
2023.04.25 Programming 謝明學
2023.05.02 Computational Fluid Dynamic Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.05.09 Active Galactic Nucleus Yung-Hsuan Tseng
2023.05.16 Gravitational Wave Zi-Hua Ho
2023.05.23 Exoplanet Yen-Hsing Lin
2023.05.30 Supernovae 李宜舫
2023.06.06 Astroparticles Wei-Wen Li
2023.06.13 Compact Object Mu-Chen Hsieh

2022 Spring Student Seminar Series (2023.02 - 2023.06)

Host: Yen-Hsing Lin

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2023.02.09 Baby Planets and Where to Find Them Genevieve Kuo (NTU) Star/Planet Formation
2023.02.23 Scientific Presentation Yen-Hsing Lin (NTHU) Academic and Pop-science Presentations
2023.03.09 Satellite and Orbital Mechanics 歐予恩(烏鴉先生) Space Technologies
2023.04.13 Cosmic Probes of Dark Matter Tan Chin Yi (KICP, U. Chicago)
2023.05.04 Post Main Sequence Stellar Evolution Po-Sheng Ou (NTU)
2023.05.11 Learn to Learn: objectives in machine learning and reinforcement learning. Jacob Chiu
2023.05.18 AGN feedback in galaxy clusters Yen-Hsing Lin (NTHU)
2023.06.15 Weak Gravitational Lensing Yu-Hsiu Huang (U. Arizona)

Gravitational Wave Book Club (2022.07 - 2022.08)

Host: Yap Yong Sheng

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2022.07.06 General Relativity Crash Course Yap Yong Sheng Equivalence Principle, Metric Tensor, Geodesic Equation, Curvature & Parallel Transport, Einstein Field Equations
2022.07.13 Introduction to Gravitational Waves Yung-Hsuan Tseng Weak Field Approximation, Traceless-Transverse Gauge, GW Polarizations
2022.07.27 GW Detection Yap Yong Sheng Quadrupole Radiation, Luminosity and Strain Amplitudes of Binary Inspirals, Strain Measurements in Michelson Interferometers

2022 Student Seminar Series (2022.06 - 2022.07)

Host: Sy-Yun Pu, Zheng-Xian Hsu

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2022.06.14 How does ISM model affect galaxy SEDs? Yen-Hsing Lin, Chen-Yu Chuang Dust, radiative transfer, SED fitting
2022.06.14 Understanding AGN and non-AGN host galaxies by analyzing galaxy star formation history Sy-Yun Pu AGN, galaxy properties, SED fitting, SFH
2022.06.21 Physical principles in observational astronomy Yen-Hsing Lin Telescopes, intensity, spectrum
2022.06.21 Understand galaxy evolution in the early universe with OST survey Sy-Yun Pu Submm galaxies, mixed galaxy population, Origins Space Telescope
2022.06.28 From cosmology to galaxies Sy-Yun Pu Halo formation, Galaxy formation
2022.07.05 Direct detection of WIMP dark matter with XENON1T Yap Yong Sheng Thermal history of WIMPs, DM direct detection, astroparticles
2022.07.05 Learn Physics from Graph Neural Networks Chen-Yu Chuang Basics of Neural Networks, Graphs, Sparse regression
2022.07.12 Unveiling the nature of AGN bubbles with Lynx X-ray observatory Yen-Hsing Lin X-ray Astronomy, Lynx, AGN

4th AstroRead (2021.09 - 2022.06)

Host: Zheng-Xian Hsu, Sy-Yun Pu

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2021.10.12 Gathering Party Zheng-Xian Hsu, Sy-Yun Pu Introduction to AstroRead: content and history
2021.10.19 Coordinates Sy-Yun Pu
2021.10.26 Guest lecture: Observation Yuan-Ming Hsu (Host of NTU astronomy club astrophysics study group)
2021.11.02 Special and General Relativity Yen-Hsing Lin
2021.11.09 Cosmological Models Yen-Hsing Lin
2021.11.16 Discussion: Astro2020 Yen-Hsing Lin Introducing the recently published Astro2020 Report
2021.11.23 Thermal History of the Universe Chen-Yu Chuang
2021.11.30 Galaxy Formation Zheng-Xian Hsu
2021.12.07 Galaxy Clusters Jo-Shui Kao
2021.12.14 Star Formation Yung-Hsuan Tseng
2021.12.20 Compact Objects Yap Yong Sheng
2021.12.21 Informal Gathering: Some recent news in astrophysics Yen-Hsing Lin Introducing 3 papers related to planet formation and GRAVITY result on orbital precession of star near Sgr A*
2021.12.28 Astrophysical Black Holes Yen-Hsing Lin
2022.01.17 Student Seminar: Life in Yale and PhD application Chenghan Hsieh (Yale PhD Student)
2022.02.22 Radiative Transfer Yen-Hsing Lin
2022.03.01 Interstellar Medium Zheng-Xian Hsu
2022.03.08 Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Yap Yong Sheng
2022.03.15 Stellar Systems Jo-Shui Kao Star clusters and Variable stars
2022.03.22 Planetary Systems and Exoplanets Sy-Yun Pu
2022.03.29 Active Galactic Nuclei Yung-Hsuan Tseng
2022.04.05 Student Seminar: Surviving Companions of Supernovae Hsin-Pei Chen
2022.04.12 Time Domain Astronomy Zi-Hua Ho
2022.04.19 Astronomy News Report Sy-Yun Pu, Zi-Hua Ho, Yung-Hsuan Tseng
2022.04.26 Exotic Messengers / Astroparticles Yap Yong Sheng

3rd AstroRead (2020.09 - 2021.06)

Host: Chiung-Yin Chang, Yap Yong Sheng

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2020.09.29 Gathering Party Chiung-Yin Chang Introduction to AstroRead: content and history
2020.09.29 Fundamentals Shang-Jing Lin
2020.10.13 Radiative Transfer I Chiung-Yin Chang
2020.10.20 Radiative Transfer II Yap Yong Sheng Line transfer
2020.10.27 Stellar Evolution I Ming-Hsueh Hsieh
2020.11.17 Stellar Evolution II Yap Yong Sheng
2020.11.24 Interstellar medium Yen-Hsing Lin
2020.12.01 Planetary System Chiung-Yin Chang
2020.12.22 Student Seminar Hsin-Pei Chen, Yen-Hsing Lin Radio astronomy and Dust Evolution
2021.03.16 General Relativity Yap Yong Sheng
2021.03.23 Cosmological Models Zheng-Xian Hsu
2021.03.30 Thermal History of the universe Yap Yong Sheng
2021.04.06 Python and Linux Yen-Hsing Lin
2021.04.20 Structure and Galaxy Formation Chiung-Yin Chang
2021.04.27 Galaxy Formation (Theory) Yen-Hsing Lin
2021.05.04 Galaxy Formation (Observation) Yen-Hsing Lin
2021.05.18 Galaxy Cluster Zheng-Xian Hsu
2021.05.25 Our Milky Way Yap Yong Sheng
2021.05.11 Student Seminar: Geometry effect on dust attenuation curves with different grain sources at high redshift Yen-Hsing Lin

2nd AstroRead (2019.09 - 2020.06)

Host: Yen-Hsing Lin

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2019.09.24 Gathering Party Yen-Hsing Lin Introduction to AstroRead: content and history
2019.10.01 The Cosmic Distance Scale Yen-Hsing Lin
2019.10.08 Gravity Yen-Hsing Lin
2019.10.15 Random Processes I Yi-Chen Wang
2019.10.22 Random Processes II 楊宗仁
2019.10.29 Special Relativity I Yen-Hsing Lin
2019.11.05 Special Relativity II 王立宇
2019.11.12 Electromagnetism I Yu-Hsiu Huang
2019.11.19 Electromagnetism II Yu-Hsiu Huang
2019.11.26 Quantum Process 楊宗仁
2019.12.03 Linux and Python 蘇彥碩
2020.03.03 Gathering party: ALMA-T and SSP Hsin-Pei Chen, Yen-Hsing Lin An introduction to Taiwan's astrophysics summer schools.
2020.03.10 Stars I Yen-Hsing Lin
2020.03.17 Stars II: Compact Stars Chung-Ming Chen
2020.03.24 Gas Yu-Hsiu Huang
2020.03.31 Dust Yen-Hsing Lin
2020.04.07 Cosmology I Chiung-Yin Chang
2020.04.14 Cosmology II Yu-Hsiu Huang
2020.04.21 Python: Errors Yen-Hsing Lin
2020.05.05 Python: Simple Simulation Yi-Chen Wang

1st AstroRead (2018.09 - 2019.06)

Host: Yen-Hsing Lin

Date Topic Speaker Notes
2018.10.04 Gathering Party Yen-Hsing Lin Introduction to AstroRead: content and history
2018.10.11 Observation and Instruments 王立宇
2018.10.18 Stellar Spectra Chiung-Yin Chang
2018.10.25 Celestial Mechanisms Yen-Hsing Lin
2018.11.01 Photometric Chung-Ming Chen
2018.11.08 Stellar Structure and Fusion 鄭冠群
2018.11.15 Stellar Evolution I Jacob Chiu
2018.11.22 Stellar Evolution II 林宏修
2018.11.29 Sun Yi-Chen Wang
2018.12.06 Variable Stars and Compact stars Yu-Hsiu Haung
2019.03.11 Gathering Party Yu-Hsiu Haung
2019.04.01 ISM and star clusters Chun-Ching Chen
2019.04.08 Galaxies I 劉柏康、Chung-Ming Chen
2019.04.15 Galaxies II Yu-Hsiu Huang
2019.04.22 Cosmology Chiung-Yin Chang
2019.04.29 Python: Common commands Yi-Chen Wang
2019.05.06 Python: Packages and how to deal with bugs Jacob Chiu
2019.05.13 Python: Image Processing Yen-Hsing Lin
2019.05.20 Paper Reading Jacob Chiu


  • Pu, Sy-Yun

    Master student
    NTHU IoA

  • Hsieh, Mu-Chen

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Phys.

  • Ho, Zi-Hua

    Master student
    NTHU IoA

  • Jacob Chiu

    NTHU IoA

  • Yu-Hsiu Huang

    PhD student
    U. Arizona

  • Hsin-Pei Chen

    PhD student
    UT Austin

  • Chen-Yu Chuang

    PhD student
    U. Arizona

  • Yi-Chen Wang

    NTHU Phys.

  • Chung-Ming Chen

    Master student
    NTU Phys.

  • Chiung-Yin Chang

    Master student
    NTHU IoA

  • Zheng-Xian Hsu

    Master student
    NTHU IoA

  • Yung Hsuan Tseng

    Undergraduate student
    NTHU Physics

  • Jo Shui Kao

    Master student
    NTHU IoA

  • Lin, Yen-Hsing

    PhD student
    UC San Diego

  • Yap Yong Sheng

    PhD student

Participants (incomplete)

7th: 翁俞安綸 (NTHU Phys), Tzu-Ning Yen (NTHU Phys), 徐嗣宏(NTHU Phys)

6th: 曲友友 (NTHU Phys), 許翌倫 (NTHU Phys), 卓鈺善, 黃詠歆, MJ Peng.

5th: Hong-Wen Liu (NTHU Phys), 鄭亦家 (NTHU MSE), 謝承安 (NTU Phys/IESO), Fiona Lo, 莊景喻, 簡嘉成

4th: Fiona Lo, 李宜舫, Ping-yu Chou, 李啟維, 林雅苓

3rd: Shang-Jing Lin, 謝明學, 張宸勻, 黃千祐, 林雅苓

2nd: Shang-Jing Lin, 謝明學, 吳家頡

1st: 楊宗仁、劉柏康、張鈞諺、陳駿青