
作者 索書號
The flying curcus of Physics Walker,Jearl 530
Astrophysical techniques(2nd ed) Kitchin,C.R. 522
Technology of machine tool Krar,Stephen F 621
Digital design with standard MSI and LSI Blackslee,Thomas R 621
Wonders of the sky Schaaf,Fred 523
Text-book on spherical astronomy Smart,William Marshall 522
Gravitation and cosmology Weinberg,Steven 530
Theory of elasticity(2nd ed) L.D.Landau,E.M.Lifshitz 530*
Introduction to advanced astrophysics Kourganoff,Vladimir 523
Astronomy Hartmann,William K 520
Starscapes topics in astronomy Gerrit L.Verschuur 522*
Solar-terrestrial physics,principles and theoretical foundations R.L.Carovillano and J.M.Forbes 551
The historical supernovae Clark,David H 532
Galaxies and cosmology F.Combes 523
Frontiers of astrophysics Avrett,E.H. 523
Messier's nebulae and star clusters(2nd ed) Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Burnmam's Celestial Handbook An Observer's to the Universe Beyond the Solar System(vol 3) Robert Burnham.Jr. 522*
Burnmam's Celestial Handbook An Observer's to the Universe Beyond the Solar System(vol 1) Robert Burnham.Jr. 522*
Introduction to electronic computer(2nd ed) Gordon B.Davis 621*
Sunspots R.J.Bray,R.E.Loughhead 551*
Principles of quantum mechanics Shankar,Ramamurti 530
A field guide to the stars and Planets Donald H.Menzei 523*
Key to the universe Calder,Nigel 539
Webb society deep=sky observer's handbook(vol3) I.Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Challenges of astronomy Schmidt-Kaler.Th 522
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook(vol2) I.Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Introduction to solid state physics Kittel,Charles 530
Advanced amateur astronomy North,Gerald 522
Reflecting Telescope Optics II R.N.Wilson 522
Reflecting Telescope Optics I R.N.Wilson 522
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook(vol1) I.Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Modern astrometry J.Kovalevsky 526
Stars and planets Ian Ridpath 523*
Men,monsters and the modern universe George Lovi,Wil Tirion 523
Introductory Astronomy Nicholas A.Pananides 520*
The cosmic onion Quarks and the nature of the universe Frank close 539
Observational astronomy for amateurs(4th ed) J.B.Sidgwick 522
Universe(6th ed) Freedman,Roger A. 520
Amateur Astronomy a comprehensive and practical survey Colin Ronan 520*
Astronomical image processing Richard Berry 522
Introduction to economics(2nd ed) Alan C.Stockman *
Discovering astronomy Jefferys,William H 520
The new solar system J.Kelly Beatty,Andrew Chaikin 523
Norton's star atlas Arthur P.Norton *
The new cosmos Unsild,Albrecht 520
Atlas of deep-sky splendors(4th ed) Sky&Telescope 523
The cambridge atlas of astronomy Jean Audouze,Guy Israel 520
How Languages are learned(2rd ed) Patsy M.Lightbown.Nina Spada *
The Sun An Introduction(2nd ed) Michael Stix 523
Plasma Physics An introduction to the theory of astrophysical,geophysical,and laboratory plasmas Peter A.Sturrock 530
The observation and analysis of stellar photospheres(2rd ed) David F.Gray 523
A field guide to Stars and Planets Donald H.Menzel,Jan M.Pasachoff 523
Stephen Hawking A life in science Michael White,John Gribbin 530
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook(vol4) I.Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Webb society deep-sky observer's handbook(vol5) I.Jones,Kenneth Glyn 523
Bubbles,voids,and bumps in time:the new cosmology James Cornell 523
The moon boserver's handbook Fred W.Price 523
Touring the universe through binoculars Philip S.Harrington 523
Exploration of the universe Abell,George Ogden 520
Universe(6th ed) Roger A.Freedman,William J.Kaufmann III 520
Universe(5th ed) Roger A.Freedman,William J.Kaufmann III 520
The dynamic universe an untroduction to astronomy(2rd ed) Theodore P.Snow 520
Burnmam's Celestial Handbook An Observer's to the Universe Beyond the Solar System(vol 2) Robert Burnham.Jr. 522*
Geting the measure of the stars Cooper,W. A. 523
Exploring the cosmos(3rd ed) Louis Berman,J.C.Evans 520*
The Cosmic Frontiers of General Relativity William J.Kaufmann 530*
Advanced telescope making techniques(vol 1-Optics) Allan Mackinosh 522
Chinese Astrology Paul Carus 133
Classical Dynamics  of particles and systems(4th ed) Jerry B.Marion,Stephen T.Thornton *
Classical Dynamics  of particles and systems(4th ed)(Student manual) Jerry B.Marion *
Introduction to plasma physics Goldston,R.J. 530
Astrodynamics(2rd ed) Robert M.L.Baker,Jr.,Maud W.Makemson 520*
Astronomy,the cosmic journey Hartmann,William K 520
Exploring the cosmos Berman,Louis 523
Exploring the cosmos Berman,Louis 523
Horizons,exploring the universe Seeds,Michael A 520
Advanced Engineering Mathematics(8th ed) Erwin Kreyszig *
Gravitation Misner,Charles,Wheeler 531
Salas and Hille's calculus:one and several variables(7th ed) Salas,Saturnino L. 515
Electronic Measurements and instrumentation Bernard M.Oliver,John M.Cage *
Introductory astronomy and astrophysics Elske v.P.Smith,Kenneth C.Jacobs *
Finite-Dimensional Vector Space(2rd ed) Paul R. Halmos *
The Anchor Dictionary of Astronomy Valerie Illingworth *
Astrophysics William K.Rose *
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics(4) Roger R.Bate,Donald D.Mueller,Jerry E.White *
Communicate in Writing Keith Johnson *
The Origin and Evolution of Planetary Nebulae Sun Kwok *
The Origin and Evolution of Planetary Nebulae Sun Kwok *
The world of science Jane Werner Watson *
Astronomy Magazine Jack Hobart *
Astrophysical Quantities C.W.Allen *
Thermal Physics Charles Kittel,Herbert Koemer *
Observing Variable stars David H.Levy *
Physical Science Its structure and development Edwin C.Kemble *
Astronomy(9th ed) Robert H.Baker,Laurence W.Fredick *
Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1986-2035 red Espenak *
International Halley Watch Amateur Observers's Manual for Scientific comet Studies Part 1.Method Stephen J.Edberg *
University Astronomy Jay M.Pasachoff,Marc L.Kutner *
Field Theory A Modern Primer Pierre Ramond *
Elements of Astronomy,with numerous examples and examination papers George W.Parker,M.A. *
COS/MOS Intergrated Circuits Manual  * *
Solution of Problems in Computer and Control Engineering 1 W.B.Bishop-Miller,B.Yousefzadeh *
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics Roger R.Bate,Donald D.Mueller,Jerry E.White *
Astrophysics William K.Rose *
Linear Algebra and its applications(2rd ed) Gilbert Strang *
Current Algebra and anomalies Sam B.Treiman,Roman Jackiw,Bruno Zumino,Edward Witten *
Structure and evolution of the stars Martin Schwarzschild *
Statistical Mechanics A set of Lectures Jacob Shaham *
Fundamentals of astrodynamics(I) Roger R.Bate,Donald D.Mueller,Jerry E.White *
Fundamentals of astrodynamics(II) Roger R.Bate,Donald D.Mueller,Jerry E.White *
Fundamentals of astrodynamics(III) Roger R.Bate,Donald D.Mueller,Jerry E.White *
Physical Conmology P.J.E.Peebles *
The Big Bang Joseph Silk 523
如果我還能呼吸:[生命的模範生]林淑藝的故事 黃國忠 782
攝影技巧 Paul R.Farber *
大學物理學(第二冊) 李怡嚴 *
大學物理學(第四冊) 李怡嚴 *
怎樣觀測星星 孫一之 *
預約新宇宙(下) 卡爾.沙根(Carl Sagan) 326
中華天文學史 曹謨 320
星星和星座 業強編輯室 *
天文望遠鏡製作 蕭榮 *
宇宙最初三分鐘 史蒂芬.溫柏格 *
20世紀天文學 Otta Struve V.Zerbergs *
新譯明傳奇小說選  陳美林,皋于厚 *
近代宇宙觀中的空間與時間 P.C.W Davies *
攝影.放大 江文雙 *
白話相對論 凡異出版社 *
哈雷 櫻井邦朋 *
相對論天體物理的基本概念 方勵之,R.魯菲尼 *
剖析太陽系 Stuart Ross Taylor 323
宇宙的結構 Paul Halpern 323
星座圖鑑 藤井旭 323
原子的奧秘 陳國定 *
物理學的進化 愛因斯坦 *
基礎物理 沈君山,李怡嚴 *
工作大不同 妹尾河童 *
看星簡介*5 陳俊榕 *
認識鏡頭 胡哲 *
湯普金夢遊記-近代物理探奇 蒲慕明 *