作者 skyquasar (為妳守著夜空...) 看板 astroclub
標題 天蠍座好消息....the sky來信
時間 Sat May 1 00:07:48 1999

今天mail給the sky廠商已經收到慷慨的回信如下

You have our permission to use the charts. Please make a reference to
TheSky Astronomy Software by Software Bisque. Also, do you need the
latest version 5.0?

Dear sir:
We are members of an astroclub in university in Taiwan. We feel like
to make a homepage (in chinese)to teach students how to use maps when observerin
The question is we want to have a tool to plot the sky map for illustration,
so, would you mind let us use TheSky softward to accomplish this works?
We need to get your permission and be authorized to put it on web and
print the altered maps. And we will show our map were base on TheSky
sofe and thanks to your sponsor.
please e-mail me if possible!


dear sir:
Thank you so much for your kindness, but what is the" reference "??
Do you mean that leave a row of words follow the charts?
yes, we are willing to show our thanks .
the sky 5.0?? the latest version? but to tell the truth..I have no
idea if our club have money to buy, we have no income recently, but
if our homepage have some advertising effects to you, or give a link
to your www, maybe you can sponsor the latest version, that may be
a good idea.

clear sky

※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw> ◆ From: h38.s249.ts31.hinet.net

作者: skyquasar (為妳守著夜空...) 看板: astroclub
標題: Re: 天蠍座好消息....the sky來信
時間: Sat May 1 00:14:22 1999

> 下面是最初題要求的信
> Dear sir:
> We are members of an astroclub in university in Taiwan. We feel like
> to make a homepage (in chinese)to teach students how to use maps when observer
> The question is we want to have a tool to plot the sky map for illustration,
> so, would you mind let us use TheSky softward to accomplish this works?
tool to plot the sky map for illustration
※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw> ◆ From: h38.s249.ts31.hinet.net

作者: skyquasar (為妳守著夜空...) 看板: astroclub
標題: Re: 天蠍座好消息....the sky來信
時間: Sun May 2 00:03:40 1999

※ 引述《skyquasar (為妳守著夜空...)》之銘言:
> tool to plot the sky map for illustration
> 為什麼要這樣說呢??因為星圖可以視為一種工具或一種出版品,是很難界定的
> 若視為出版品,受智財權保護最大,若視為工具,則如同一般工具軟體一樣較不受嚴密保

補充說明: 視為星圖出版品的話,則引用的範圍和複製的方式(做到網路上或印出版品)
如果我們要做很多星圖,那一定會侵犯版權。 若視為工具,則 1.星點和連線及範圍大小
都是自己設定的,不是別人的版面 2.星體的資料,位置是誰的智慧財產?應該是公共財吧
以下是今天收到The SKY的信,他們熱心的要寄最新版給我們,oh..真是太感激了
they wrote:

I will send you a Level IV version 5.0 at no charge! Please email the
address where you would like it shipped. Also, just include the
reference to Software Bisque somewhere near the chart. It does not have
to be too conspicuous.

※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw> ◆ From: h143.s246.ts31.hinet.net