。 Professor


黃振煌 Jen-Huang (Tony) Huang


☏ 03-574-3051 / Lab分機:#33635
✉ jenhuang@mx.nthu.edu.tw
■ 肺疾病/癌症模型 ■ 攜帶型實驗室 ■ 修復醫學生物反應器 ■ 個人化免疫治療平台

----- 學歷 Education -----
■ B.S. National Tsing Hua University (2001)
■ M.S. National Tsing Hua University (2003)
■ Ph.D. Texas A&M University USA (2012)

Research Specialty

■ 體外疾病模型
In Vitro Disease Model

➮ 發展人體肺部呼吸模型及體外癌症轉移模型,以進行吸入性藥物和抑制癌轉移藥物的開發及研究,以做為個人化精準醫療的應用。
Develop human lung breathing models and in vitro cancer metastasis models for the development and research of inhaled drugs and anti-metastatic drugs for the application of personalized and precision medicine.

■ 快速診斷晶片
Rapid Diagnosis Chip

➮ 利用微流體技術進行儀器整合和運作,在同一晶片上進行樣品的處理、反應、辨識及判讀,可用於檢測血液循環癌症變異株、膽紅素濃度判讀 、感染疾病抗藥性分析。
Using the microfluidic technology to perform sample processing, reaction, identification and interpretation within the same chip without using complicated instruments. It can be used to test the efficacy of circulating tumor cells, determine the concentration of bilirubin, and analyze the drug resistance of infectious diseases.

■ 連續蛋白質純化
Continuous Protein Purification

➮ 利用微流體控制系統進行連續式蛋白質純化,能降低生產成本,增加純化效率,以及避免人為污染。可串接在生物反應器後,進行單株抗體、 細胞激素、蛋白質藥物、疫苗的製作。
Using the microfluidic control system to continuously purify proteins. It can reduce purification costs, increase purification efficiency, and avoid human contamination. It can also be connected after any bioreactor for purification of monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, protein drugs, and vaccines.

■ 微流體流動化學
Microfluidic-Based Flow Chemistry

➮ 利用微流體反應系統進行連續式化學反應及合成,能精準控制反應條件,提升反應效率、減少溶劑用量、以及提高反應穩定性, 可進行奈米粒子及高價值化學品之合成。
Use the microfluidic reaction system for continuous chemical reactions and synthesis. It can precisely control reaction conditions, improve reaction efficiency, reduce solvent usage, and increase reaction stability. It can also be used for the synthesis of nanoparticles and high-value chemicals.

Selected Publications

■ C.-Y. Cho, T.-H. Chiang, L.-H. Hsieh, W.-Y. Yang, H.-H. Hsu, C.-K. Yeh, C.-C. Huang, J.-H. Huang**

■ Development of a Novel Hanging Drop Platform for Engineering Controllable 3D Microenvironments. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020, 8:327. (2019 Impact Factor 5.186).
H.-Y. Mu, Y.-C. Ou, H.-N. Chuang, T.-J. Lu, P.-P. Jhan, T.-H. Hsiao, J.-H. Huang**

■ Triple Selection Strategy for in Situ Labeling of Circulating Tumor Cells with High Purity and Viability toward Preclinical Personalized Drug Sensitivity Analysis. Advanced Biosystems, 2020, 4, 2000013 (Cover Image).
B.-S. Ni, C. Tzao, J.-H. Huang*

■ Plug-and-Play in Vitro Metastasis System toward Recapitulating the Metastatic Cascade. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 18110 (2019 Impact Factor 3.998).
C.-K. Lin, Y.-Y. Hsiao, P. Nath, J.-H. Huang*

■ Aerosol Delivery into Small Anatomical Airway Model Through Spontaneous Engineered Breathing. Biomicrofluidics, 2019, 13: 044109 (2019 Impact Factor 2.504).
L.-H. Hsieh, P. Nath, J.-H. Huang*

■ Multistep Fluidic Control Network toward the Automated Generation of Organ-on-a-Chip. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5, 4852-4860 (2019 Impact Factor 4.152).

Awards & Honors

■ 2023

Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan Professor Shih-Yow Huang Award


■ 2022

Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Outstanding Chemical Engineering Article

■ 2016

(R&D 100 Awards)
