About us

The Baby Boom generation (1946 - 1964) will reach an age range between 51 and 70 as of 2016. “Ageing well” has since become a global priority as described by the World Health Organization (WHO), leading to an increasing demand and growth of the biomedical industry. The biotechnology sector therefore needs well-trained personnel who are skilled in bench-to-bedside research and commercialization, which is currently in a short supply. The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) was established in August, 2012 under The College of Engineering at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Our mission is to inspire and prepare students with solid cross-disciplinary skills from an engineering perspective, thus bridging the gap between basic and clinical research for immediate application in the biotech industry. Our Institute enrolls 20 MSc students and 3 to 5 PhD students per academic year.
The Institute aims to develop novel materials for biosensors, disease diagnosis and tissue regeneration by focusing on three main fields: nanobiosensors, biomaterials and biomechanics. The Program offers well planned graduate courses in these fields with an emphasis on hands-on laboratory trainings. Students are highly encouraged to explore and select courses that best train his/her cross-disciplinary skills. Our Faculties actively collaborate with institutes including National Taiwan University Hospital (Hsinchu Branch), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Linkou Branch), Veterans General Hospital (Taipei and Taichung) and Industrial Technology Research Institute. Further, the Faculties continue to publish their work in top-tier international journals and establish industrial collaboration, thereby receiving recognitions such as the New Faculty Research Award (NTHU), Young Investigator Awards (ABMC5), as well as prestigious awards including Wu Ta-You Memorial Award (Ministry of Science and Technology) and National Professorship (Ministry of Education) of Taiwan.
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International students who are interested to apply for an admission to our degree program, please click here.