Implementation Status and Results of Each Year


We already Contacted 38 schools

Provided 700computers

Built 26 computer classrooms

Taught ICT courses over 810hours,
Influenced more than 16667 students and teachers

Built 2 solar power systems in rural school near Massai tribes

Implementation Status and Results

  清大國際志工團在坦尚尼亞的服務在今年邁入第十㇐個年頭,從 2008年創團以來,已跨過第㇐個十年,展開下㇐個十年,我們肩負著過去十年的成果,持續思考著,要如何在原有的基礎下將服務計畫延續,並將服務地區拓展至坦尚尼亞內陸區域。過去十年來,我們的團隊在當地種下許多種子,㇐路走來見證當地的改變與成⾧,過去在當地師範大學合作過的資工系學生,畢業後分發至全國各地擔任教師,延續資訊教育的宗旨,也是我們㇐直以來所期許的。今年我們安排比往年更多的服務學校,拜訪新學校,同時透過留在當地的志工學⾧姐們的協助,探尋更多服務的 可能性。
 1. Libermann Boys’ Secondary School: 是一所服務多年的學校,大部分學生家庭都有電腦,學生家庭社經背景較好,之前也有使用電腦的經歷,但低年級不太熟練,需要助教指點。電腦老師可以基礎維修,但是沒有教師資格,故不能授課。
 2. Francis Maria Libermann School Zanzibar:學生有上電腦課,實際上課時大部分學生會基本操作,少部分不熟練,但Office幾乎沒學過。學生㇐部分為穆斯林家庭,㇐部分為基督教。電腦老師共2人,Mr.Innocent(專職)及Mr. Arbogast(兼電腦及數學老師)。 老師都會使用Office,但不熟悉電腦維修。
 3. Winkelmolen Pre and Primary School:三年級英文程度可以進行簡單的溝通,老師使用簡單的詞彙和較慢的語速,低年級英文程度較弱,造成溝通上的困難。該學校沒有電腦教室,學生大部分從未使用過電腦,此次授課僅三年級學生有接觸學習電腦基礎知識的機會。學生年級分有baby class、nursery、一到三年級,學生家庭經濟狀況中下,也沒有專門的資訊教師。
 4. Kilomeni Secondary School:學生語言能力很好,溝通流暢。電腦能力也有一定水準,因團隊之前服務過,學校每個星期也會有電腦課程,所以學生都有基礎,也有一名資訊專職教師,處於很好的狀態。
 5. Mbahe & Ng’aroni Primary School:因為此小學並無強迫以英文授課,學生的英語能力不是很理想,大部分學生從未接觸過電腦。學生年齡從 7 到 12歲,家裡都是務農,雖然條件不㇐,但家庭經濟普遍不佳。因為是第㇐年設立的電腦教室,所以並沒有聘請資訊教師,幾乎所有老師都從未使用過電腦,只有兩位老師稍微了解。
 6. Nanja Secondary School:500多人,Form1學生英文程度比較不好,高年級程度尚可多數學生幾乎都沒有使用電腦的經驗。老師們英文溝通能力流暢,電腦學習能力也十分優良,副校⾧ Langoi的電腦能力已經非常好。
 7. St. Monica School:Primary和secondary都必須說英文,英文能力佳。Primary的學生家中大概80%沒有電腦,上了電腦課才第㇐次接觸電腦。除了兩個熟悉電腦的電腦老師,其餘老師對電腦比較不那麼熟悉,但打字都頗熟練,也會使用office、用Excel製作成績單。

Implementation Status and Results

In these 42 days, every moment was precious. In six schools, where we conducted our main program, we establishing computer lab, sharing computer knowledge such as basic level of Microsoft Office software, hardware reparation and Image Processing software. We also provide some experiment courses for students to explore the knowledge by really doing it. Furthermore, we held the activity called “Taiwan Day” to introduce Taiwan so more people could be able to understand the beauty of Taiwan.
To revisit old and visit new schools are both very important for our program. We revisited the schools from previous years, not only to exanimate whether they have treated the computers properly but also made sure whether our side projects is going smoothly. Visiting the new schools, we evaluated the environment and the ICT plan of the school to see whether it is suitable for our future team to conduct the program. The footprints we left, is not merely memories but the power to move on.
In 2017, we had six side projects:
1. Conducted Subsidy Plan at Kamelot Orphange
2. Conducted Network Fee Supporting at Tengeru VTC
3. Conducted Student Scholarship at MARUCO
4. Propose Lunch Plan at Chini Primary School
5. Propose the donation for beds at Oldonyo Lengai Secondary School
6. Propose the Electricity Supporting Plan a Oldonyo Lengai Secondary School

Implementation Status and Results

In 2016, the 9th years of our team, we're thinking how to make our project better, so this year is the first time we cooperate with university to hold a camp,and also try to use test to know how is our effect. The former was successful, and the latter could be better.
The first school is Libermann Boy's Secondary School in Dar es Salaam. Most students' families are rich, so that the students have more chances to use computer. Not surprisingly, they learned well.
The second school is Marian University College in Bagamoyo. We held computer camp for their students, and they work every hard. When class was over, students will ask lots of questions.
The third school is St. Leonard Secondary School at the mountain area in Same. We found out that they maintained those computer which we gave them last year really well. All the computers have UPS.and on the other side of the mountain, the 4th school is Kilomeni Girls' High School. This is the first time to service this school, and we may cooperate in the future.
The 5th school is Holy Chilhood Pre and Primary School. We have already serviced this school for many years, and they are still a good school to cooperate with.
The last school is Embarway Secondary School at Ngorongoro. The vice principal and the computer teacher have left this school, and some computers are broken. So we decide not to cooperate with the school in the future.

Implementation Status and Results

In 2015, team members raised 100 computers and built 5 computer classrooms in Tanzania. Besides following the tradition, 2015 team members also designed many innovative courses, including “Emergency Rescue”, “Self-exploration”, “Taiwanese food culture” and “Application of the Internet”. They hoped these courses can inspire the students for learning new things. The first main serviced school of 2015 team is Libermann Boys Secondary School, a school located in Dar es Salaam. The 2015 team members build a computer classroom and shared ICT knowledge with teachers and students. They found many students in Libermann were familiar with computers. Students can even use software they just learned to create their own masterpieces without instruction. After the program in Libermann Boys, 2015 team members went to Bagamoyo and built a computer classroom in Marian University College. The University is a new college which will recruit students, including students majored in Computer Science, in 2016. Professor Mkoma, the vice-principal, guaranteed that our computers will be benefit for all students in the college through a general course called “Basic Computer Application Programs”. We believe if the university develops well, we can collaborate with them to conduct our “ICT Town Project” together in the future. The third main serviced school of 2015 team is St. Leonard Secondary School, a school in Same. 2015 team members built a computer classroom and shared ICT knowledge with students and teachers. In addition, because the school is in the mountain, if a student is injured, it will take a lot of times to send him to hospital. Therefore, 2015 team members taught “emergency rescue” courses for students to let them know how to do, e.g. bandage wound, when facing emergency situation. After the program in Same, 2015 team members headed to Moshi and built a computer classroom in Holy Childhood Pre and Primary School. Teachers in Holy Childhood were very passionate and willing to learn new things. All of them joined our class and learned seriously. Even a sixty-year-old Sister was happy and enjoyed our class. The 2015 team members thought Holy Childhood will be a great collaborator for later teams. The final destination of 2015 team is Embarway Secondary School in Ngorongoro Conservative Area. Although the power supply in Embarway was unstable in 2014, the school solved the problem by buying a generator. As a result, 2015 team members were capable of conducting our ICT project, building a computer classroom and training seeded teachers. Despite students and teachers were not familiar with computers, they learned very well. Therefore, 2015 team members thought Embarway Secondary School will also be a good collaborator for later teams.

Implementation Status and Results

After conducting our project for 8 years, 2014 can be described as the year of turning point in our project. Firstly, the 2014 team changed the operating system from Ubuntu to Windows because Windows is more suitable for local schools according to the report wrote by 2013 team. As for copyright problem, 2014 team members also successfully found sponsor to give them genuine Windows Operating System. Secondly, because our team became a little bit famous in Taiwan, 2014 team members can raise more well-functioned computers for our projects. As a result, they extended the schedule and collaborated with more schools. In Libermann Pre and Primary School, 2014 team members evaluated the effectiveness of computer classroom built in 2012. They found although students and teachers have good computer skills, the classroom was not well-used for schools. The school explained that the reason is they are not familiar with Ubuntu system. However, the school still wanted to development ICT education, so 2014 team members decided to observe the school for more years. In Mather Theresa Girls Secondary School, 2014 team members provided 26 computers and built a computer classroom. They found that students in the school were not familiar with computers so they focused on teaching basic courses. In addition, the ICT teacher in that school obtains basic computer maintenance skills and willing to learn more things. Therefore the 2014 team members thought Mather Theresa will be a good school for collaboration. Tengeru Vocational Education and Training School is a vocational school in Arusha. 2014 was our team’s first time to collaborate with a vocational school. The team members provided 25 computers to build a classroom. About the courses, since the school is vocational school, the 2014 team members focus on teaching multimedia software to let students obtain some practical skills. The last main serviced school of 2014 team is Embarway Secondary School, a public school located in Ngorongoro Conservative Area. The 2014 team members found that the power supply was very unstable in that school, so they just provided some laptops to the school. And they focused on science experiments and cultural exchange activities in Embarway.

Implementation Status and Results

The main serviced school of 2013 team is Marian boys Secondary School. The school is belonged to the same organization as Marian Girls and Epiphany School. The 2013 team members built a computer classroom, trained seeded teachers, held cultural exchange activities and provided information about studying abroad in that school. Because 2013 is the 6th year of our project since 2008, the 2013 team members had many reflections about our project. In Bagamoyo, our team had serviced many schools since 2008, so the 2013 team members suggested that we can assist Bagamoyo to become an “ICT Town” by utilizing computer classrooms we belt in local schools. Now, we are still running the “ICT Town Project”. In addition, 2013 team members also wrote a report about comparison between the benefits of using Ubuntu and Windows operating system in Tanzania. This report helped later teams a lot. What’s more, 2013 team members also conducted various surveys and wrote many significant reports. For example, “Water resources in Tanzania”, “Power supply in Tanzania”, “Education system in Tanzania”, “Dilemma of Massai schools”, “Feminine rights in Tanzania”……etc. Those reports allowed later teams know more about the country and be able to arrange more suitable projects for local people.

Implementation Status and Results

2012 team has two main serviced schools, Libermann Primary School and Usa River Secondary School seminary. In Libermann Primary School, because most of the students and teachers have basic concept of computers, the 2012 team members focus on building computer classrooms and training seeded teachers. In contrast, they spent more time in Usa River Secondary School seminary since students and teachers in there were not familiar with computers. Except ICT courses, the 2012 team members also shared the concept of recycle with local people. The reason is that our team found Tanzanian people usually burns all garbage then buries them in a hole without recycling. We hope our course can inspire them to concern the environment. Last, the most striking feature in 2012 team is that we built a solar power system in a rural school! The school is called Oldonyon Lengai Secondary School which name literally means “mountain of god”. The school is located in Engaruka and near the Massai tribe. Without electricity, students could only study in a dark classroom with little sunlight. Therefore, in 2012, our team contacted companies in Taiwan and Kenya for sponsor, and then we successfully built a solar power system for the school on 08/11/2012. This system has improved the electricity problem a lot and is still generating power now.

Implementation Status and Results

The main serviced school of 2011 team is Marian Girls Secondary School. The school is located in Bagamoyo and is belong to the same organization as Epiphany school. The 2011 team members built a computer classroom and trained seeded teachers one-by-one. About courses, 2011 team members almost followed the same way of 2010 team, however, they gave teachers who are highly-attendant a certificate to prove that they already obtained certain ITC abilities. In addition, because most students in Marian Girls Secondary School are very talented, the 2011 team members held an activity to introduce different departments in university and the life in college. They also provided some information about how to study abroad in Taiwan and other countries. They hope those activities can open a window to the world for students in Tanzania. Besides ICT education, 2011 team started to collaborate with local orphanage and a school, Oldonyo Lengai Secondary School, in Massai tribe. In orphanage, Bagamoyo, 2011 team members shared Taiwanese food and played with children. In Massai tribe, Engaruka, team members conducted science experiments for students. We hope these activities can let we know more about Tanzania so that we can share their stories to the world.

Implementation Status and Results

With experiences of building computer classrooms from 2009 team, 2010 team members chose Tengeru Boys Secondary School as their main serviced school. They built a computer classroom and shared ICT knowledge with teachers and students. The most difference between 2009 and 2010 team is 2010 team members decided to use free software because of the advantages of no copyright problem and be less possible to be attacked by virus. About courses, the 2010 team members taught one topic per day and provide several times for teachers to choose. However, the team members noticed that the attendance of teachers is actually not high, so they decided to let students join the classes. In addition, the 2010 team members also provide camp activities to inspire the students for learning. Except education, the most special feature of 2010 team is conducting medical survey. They visited many rural hospitals and medical facilities, asked information from doctors and wrote several reports. These reports then helped for the formation of a medical voluntary team in Taiwan called FJCU Tanzania Medical Voluntary Team. Since 2011, the FJCU team goes to Engaruka for health education every year till now.

Implementation Status and Results

With experiences from 2008 team, 2009 team members started to raise computers from Taiwan society. In the end, they successfully raised 35 second hand computers and shipped them to Tanzania. The main serviced school of 2009 team is “Epiphany Pre and Primary School”. The school is a Christian school located in Bagamoyo, a small port city. 2009 team members built 2 computer classrooms and shared ICT knowledge with 15 teachers. They hope the teachers can be able to manage computer classrooms and teach students after our two-week-long project. When local teachers were in ICT class, some team members became substitute teachers for their class. They held science camps and activities about cultures around the world, to let students connect to the world through playing. After 2009 team members returned Taiwan, they still worried about the computer classrooms. However, on 10/15/2009, our team received an encouraging Email from Mr. Super, the headmaster of Epiphany. Mr. Super mentioned that the computer classrooms were working well and the school already arranged two computer classes per week. All the students and staff are happy for having computers and they will cherish the computer classrooms. Mr. Super’s Email encouraged our team a lot and let us knew that ICT education is really the thing we can do in Tanzania. What’s more, Mr. Super decided to study in Taiwan in 2011 because of our project. Then he became our team’s vice-leader until he graduated from Taiwan and back to Epiphany in 2015.

Implementation Status and Results

In assistant with Fr. Lombart and NTHU, NTHU International Voluntary Team formed in 2008. At that time, although we decided to be an educational voluntary team, we still not sure which field of subjects is the most suitable one for local schools. Therefore, 2008 team members prepared various subjects, including mathematics, English, ICT, health education and science experiments. They hope to know the true demands of schools in Tanzania by teaching courses and meeting with teachers. In addition, 2008 team members also visited many schools in northern and eastern Tanzania to evaluate how to conduct our project in the future. In the end, the 2008 team members found that Tanzania is lack of proper ICT education, so they decided to set ICT education as our team’s main goal.

||Results Report||

2018 Results Report 2017 Results Report 2016 Results Report 2015 Results Report 2014 Results Report 2013 Results Report
2012 Results Report 2011 Results Report 2010 Results Report 2009 Results Report 2008 Results Report